
Works Done

Lindy Ramirez - Developer Portfolio
Live DemoGithub Repo
Made with
Next JSBootstrapSCSS

Lindy Ramirez - Developer Portfolio

Responsive portfolio website currently being built with Next JS, Bootstrap 5 and SCSS. Implements Next Router to create a Single-Page application that behaves like a Multi-Page Application, and also Framer Motion to implement animations and page transitions.
San Fernando Valley Mobile Mechanic
Live DemoGithub Repo
Made with
React JSBootstrapSCSS

San Fernando Valley Mobile Mechanic

Small business website built for a family member, with React, Bootstrap 5 and SCSS. It features responsive design, functional components, a contact modal window, Email JS API integration, custom hooks, ASOS animation library, and a slider built from scratch.
Daily Agenda To Do App
Live DemoGithub Repo
Made with
React JSBootstrapFirebase

Daily Agenda To Do App

Daily Agenda App featuring a todo list coupled with a weather app, built with React. Full CRUD app implementing react hooks, local storage, and responsive design. Uses Firebase and JSON Webtokens for user authentication.